Colonial Warriors

  • Designer : Grond studio

Colonial Warriors comprises a collection of casted stools crafted from natural materials. These stools serve as replicas of the original wooden pieces once crafted in the workshop of our great-grandfather and traded in African markets. Through the process of casting, we not only replicate but also reimagine the essence of the originals.

Vibrant colors and the introduction of new materials infuse a playful spirit into these pieces, while simultaneously accentuating the skill and artistry of our ancestors. What was once purely utilitarian and functional now undergoes a metamorphosis into a tribute. This tribute beckons one to take a seat, offering a fresh vantage point to contemplate the world around us. It encourages a reassessment of the status quo and prompts reflection on the aspects of life, both personal and societal, that we often overlook or take for granted.

Baptist, 2024

Baptist beckons you to pause and take a seat, if only for a fleeting moment. It encourages a brief interlude of reflection and a stolen moment of daydreaming. With its low, grounded design, Baptist offers an invitation to discover a new perspective.

Material: lime, gypsum, marble chips

Hana, 2024

Hana, akin to a flower in the eyes of many, embodies hope for others. Despite her past mistakes, she ardently fights for the rights of the oppressed. Her boundless curiosity and infectious joy serve as catalysts, setting positive change into motion.

Material: lime, gypsum, marble chips

Ahed, 2024

Ahed, as you all know, is undeniably strong and resolute, never backing down. A gentle warrior, her spirit is infused with sweetness, ingrained in her very essence. She embodies both strength and determination, a rare and admirable combination. It’s truly inspiring to witness someone who seamlessly integrates both power and tenderness into their character.

Material: lime, gypsum, marble chips

The three-legged one bears the name Opa, a sweet and playful soul crafted in 1912 deep within the Flemish Ardennes.

All projects
© Grond Studio 2024
Identity by Oilinwater
Website by I'm Bruno Agency